大发彩票平台致力于确保平等使用我们的设施, 为残疾学生提供的服务和学术课程. The 可访问性资源 Office works with M州 employees and students to remove disability-related barriers to education. We provide information and resources to support an environment that is accessible and inclusive for all individuals.
Students seeking disability-related accommodations must self-disclose the nature of their disability to the 可访问性资源 Office. We serve currently enrolled students (including PSEO and concurrent) who experience barriers in school settings due to the impact of a diagnosis such as:
- Mental health conditions (anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia)
- 学习障碍(阅读障碍、书写障碍、计算障碍、阅读、数学)
- 添加/多动症
- 自闭症谱系障碍
- 失明、视力丧失或受损的
- 耳聋,耳聋,听力丧失
- 身体残疾的
- 脑损伤(TBI,脑震荡)
- 严重过敏(食物、环境)
- 慢性健康状况(糖尿病、癌症、自身免疫性疾病)
- 其他导致残疾的情况
- Temporary disabilities (broken bones, illness requiring ongoing treatment and/or hospitalization)
Students who have a disability or believe they may have a disability must register with the 可访问性资源 Office to initiate accommodations and other supports.
完成 服务应用的可访问性资源请求.
Please complete the request for services application before submitting documentation. 没有申请,我们无法充分处理您的请求.
请安排合格的专业人员完成 索取文件,然后提交给M州可访问性资源. 该机构可能要求发布信息.
Attach other disability-related documentation to the accessibility resources application or provide an electronic copy of your documentation to the accessibility resources coordinator.
- 副本 IEP计划/ 504 还有最近的高中评估报告
- 心理或神经心理评估
- 合格的专业人士的信
- 病历或病史
当 可访问性资源 接收所需的文件和建议, the student and 工作人员 then work together to identify appropriate accommodations.
To request that an emotional support animal live with you in campus housing at 费格斯瀑布, 请让您的供应商填写 请求情感支持动物的学生服务提供者表格.
If you are living on the Minnesota State University 学习 campus and attending classes at M州's 学习 campus, 请遵守MSUM住房政策和程序. Please note: Students may be asked to provide additional updated and/or relevant documentation during their time at M州.
在您向M州提交所需的文件和建议后, accessibility resources employees will review your application and documentation, and you will be contacted via your M州 email address regarding next steps.
If you're taking or planning to take 员工发展 Solutions classes, please provide an active email address for correspondence regarding your accommodations.
Complete an intake application with accessibility resources 工作人员 to discuss reasonable and appropriate accommodations aimed at providing equal access to your courses, 课程材料或M州立设施. If you are eligible, accessibility resources will provide the reasonable accommodations. Communication with faculty is the responsibility of accessibility resources 工作人员 and the student.
Please note: The appropriate forms must be completed and submitted each semester to continue receiving services.
- 住宿支持能力.
- 所有学生必须遵守课堂作业, 项目, 并根据讲师和/或教学大纲进行测试.
- 住宿提供适当的支持, 没有替换, 为了顺利完成作业和考试 不 代替正常的课堂出勤.
- Services cease at the end of each semester and must be requested at the beginning of each semester.
M州 does not provide personal care attendant (PCA) services and is not responsible or liable for any consequences resulting from a student's association with a PCA.
因为PCA不是课堂助理, PCAs are not allowed to assist with any academic tasks in the classroom or other academic settings. The need for a PCA in the classroom for non-academic tasks (such as monitoring a medical condition) will be determined by Accessibility Services on an individual basis.
- Follow all applicable college policies, rules, regulations, and procedures
- Assist the student before and after class but wait outside the classroom (unless deemed appropriate by the Accessibility Services Office)
- Allow the student to take responsibility for his/her own progress or behavior
- Refrain from contact with or asking questions of faculty, 工作人员, or others on behalf of the student
- Refrain from intervening in conversations between the student and faculty, 工作人员 or other students
- Refrain from discussing any confidential information about the student with faculty, 工作人员, 或学生
- 遵循学院的PCA指南
PCA是否应该不遵循M国家的政策和程序, M州 reserves the right to make a determination that the PCA will no longer be permitted on campus. It is the student's responsibility to secure the services of another PCA in the event a PCA becomes unable to perform services for a student.
Students seeking to appeal M州's disability accommodations decision may file a Discrimination Reporting 1B.1表格或学生投诉或申诉 报告关注事项.
To request that an emotional support animal live with you in campus housing at 费格斯瀑布, 请让您的供应商填写 请求情感支持动物的学生服务提供者表格.
If you are living on the Minnesota State University 学习 campus and attending classes at M州's 学习 campus, 请遵守MSUM住房政策和程序. Please note: Students may be asked to provide additional updated and/or relevant documentation during their time at M州.
M国努力充分遵守《大发彩票网全部平台》的规定 《大发彩票网全部平台》,经修订,42美国.S.C. 第12101节, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public educational services on the basis of any individual's disability; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and 康复法案第508条 (29 U.S.C. 794d) to ensure the campuses, website and on-line course offerings meet the requirements therein.
M州 complies fully with the provisions for the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 第12101节, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public educational services on the basis of an individual's disability. An individual with a disability is one who has or is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more of that individual's major life activities.
M州遵循明尼苏达州董事会的政策 1B.4残疾人的无障碍和便利.